Delivery & Returns


Due to the COVID-19 situation we have introduced a temporary free delivery service for LS8, LS13, LS16, LS17, LS18, LS19 and LS28 (if you are local but not in these postcodes, please contact us, before placing an order, as we may be able to oblige).

£5 Minimum Spend.

Deliveries will be made on Friday each week. We will aim to deliver before 12pm on these days, to deliver fresh crusty bread, from oven to your door in 2 hours.

Orders must be placed 48hrs before the requested delivery day.



We are proud of our products and service and we aim to give 100% customer satisfaction, quality and value for money.  If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us here and one of our friendly team would be happy to help.


Thank you for your support. Please stay Safe.